Does the character in the search-and-find book (World trip) have to wear a hat?

We spent a lot of time thinking about how best to identify the child in the picture. 

We needed something which made it obvious that the child had found itself rather than just finding a person in a red t shirt. 

After many attempts, we settled on the hat as the best option, as it allowed us to hide the child behind things while still allowing The Searcher to be sure they'd found the right character. 

You can choose from three hat colours, so hopefully there's one which suits your little one. 

Incidentally, as a FAQ bonus, we originally thought about the child having a stuffed animal on the journey. We ditched this after the first round of drawings, but it's still there on every page. Can you find it?

Alternatively, if you're absolutely dead-set against a hat, why not check out our 'Search-and-Find Europe' trip where the character doesn't have one?

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