Can I make a change after placing my order?

Once you've placed an order, you'll have several hours when you can check your order and make any necessary adjustments. This is called the Grace Period. During this time you can make changes to your order by clicking 'edit' on the confirmation page. After this period, your book will be printed. 

In most cases, you have 10 hours to make changes to your order, however at times when deadlines are tight, such as Holiday shopping, we reduce the grace period to 6 hours to ensure orders are printed as soon as possible. The grace period will be clearly shown on the order confirmation page and your order page.

What happens if the Grace Period is over?

Usually once the Grace Period is over, your order will already be on its way to being Printer Bear's workshop, so no more changes are possible. However, if it's an emergency, please get in touch and we'll do all we can to sort things so that your order arrives exactly as you were hoping. 

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