Do you have a poem which tells me everything I need to know about Librio?

Well, it's funny you ask, because, as it happens.....

Librio started in bed 
as a dream of our CEO, Ed,
to make picture books
based on how your child looks;
beautiful, high tech, much read. 
Person’lised books? They are ten a penny.
But really good ones? Not very many.
So he strove to create
unique books that were great;
not just great, but better than any.
10 years in startups taught him so much
‘bout building products, markets and such.
To deliver his dream
he needed a team
and an office the size of a hutch
And so, he haggled and dealed
to persuade the best in their field
to join him and build
a product that thrilled.
That product can now be revealed. 
After toiling through nights and through days,
we’ve reached the most critical phase. 
Librio’s ready to go.
Librio’s ready to show
books to delight and amaze.
If your child looks at books on their shelves,
they see stories of dragons and elves.
Imagine the joy 
of your girl, of your boy
if the hero is their little selves. 
Imagine the joy 
of your girl, of your boy
if the hero is their little selves.
Luton Airport, 1st October 2017

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