Who is Conda, Librio’s crowd investing partner?

We’re running our crowd investment campaign on Conda.ch, the leading crowd investment platform in Switzerland. Last year, Conda was the home of Switzerland’s three largest crowd investing campaigns, Nikin (5M CHF raised), Neon (6M CHF) and Inyova (7M CHF).

Conda are responsible for all matters regarding payment for the shares and fulfilling our KYC (Know Your Customer) obligations. Your payment for the shares will be made to Conda’s financial services provider, Lemonway SAS, which is a subsidiary of BNP Paribas.

Once the crowd investing campaign is complete, Lemonway will complete the formal KYC process and transfer the raised capital to a capital deposit account (Kapitaleinzahlungskonto). Once Librio completes the capital raise at the notary, the money will be released to Librio.

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